Just a Tid-Bit

You will probably not see ANY fish (or sea food for that matter) recipes from Candi and won't see any beef recipes from Crystal.  Although maybe one day maybe we will cook our forbidden meals for our husbands since they both like the meat we won't cook, but until then we will let Crystal take care of all of the seafood and let Candi take care of the beef.

Monday, March 23, 2009

London Broil oopsy!!

So as I said on the previous post, when I typed it I was marinating this recipe for a second time. I thought that it didn't look the same when I had bagged it, but I thought maybe it was just because I had two steaks in the same bad but once I typed out the ingredients I realized that I had made a boo boo. I was multiplying the marinade ingredients by 1 1/2 so I should have put 1 1/2 TEASPOONS of Oregano but when I was putting it in I thought "I really like Oregano, I will go ahead and double it, rather than 1 1/2 times normal". Well that would have been no problem but I had the TABLESPOON not the TEASPOON, so it didn't look the same because it had TONS more Oregano. I was worried that I had ruined all that meat, but I just hoped for the best. I was so thankful when everyone still loved it. So I guess the point is put as much Oregano in as you want, it will still be good.

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